Wednesday, 31 May 2017

The Christian character Part 1

A christian's life is not one of convenience or ease but a life of determination and keeping your eyes on the goal.
The christian life must be tailored on the example of Jesus Christ. Our life must be seen to live by the following characters

  1. humility
  2. fear of God
  3. passion
Humility is a human quality that brings us low before God and makes us to not see ourselves as better than other people around us. The word tells that the "God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." For us to have the grace from God we must put ourselves in that place of humility. Bringing ourselves low before God so that He can lift us up. 

Humility comes hand in glove with reverence for God. It is almost impossible to be a humble Christian believer and not revere God. Therefore right their after humility is "fear of the Lord". Our God does great things and fearful things. 

Having a strong feeling about and for something or someone is a character that is needed to succeed in any area of life and relationships. This strong feeling is passion.  A passionate person brings everything he has and feels into what he does. He is not bothered by challenges or the pains that may result from walking the path he has chosen. A Christian's life must be one of passion; we must be passionate about what we do for God and our fellowship with Him. 

As we go about our daily living in the next month we must do so with a humble heart, a life that reveres God and a passion that brings people to Christ. Let us live by the example that Christ laid down for us.