The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips.
Proverbs 16: 23 (KJV)
Text: Proverbs 16: 23 - 26
I want to ask us today to always think before we speak. It is important that we learn how to communicate, how to speak to one another. When there is strife and we don’t speak with one another then there will be chaos. It is important we talk to each other with decorum, with respect. The problem with a lot of us is that we carry a lot of things all the time.
Verse 24 says “kind words are easy to accept”. Kind words is a strategic key to good health. We should learn to be kind to people, to everyone we come in contact with. There are quiet a number of things that the holy spirit can do but then also there are a lot of things that we must also do.
Verse 25 says, “there is a way that seems good to us but it leads to death”. Many of the times people want their right to stand even though it may not be right. The way may seem right to you but then is it right to God? We need to learn to let go of things, let everything about self be diminish.
The wisdom of God is like foolishness to man. If God is asking us to do things then we must do it. Let us then ask that God give us the grace to tolerate people.
Verse 26 “the thought hunger keeps the worker working” As workers in the vine yard of God what are the things we are hungry for? What are the things that are driving you? Are you only hungry for the things of the flesh? Are you hungry for the things of God? Are you hungry for the things of the spirit?
God is looking for those who will put their heart in Him, those people who will hunger for those things after His heart. He is looking for you and for me. Remember His words, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL other things will be added to you”.