Sunday, 12 August 2018

God, problems and limitations

Then Job answered the LORD, and said, 2 I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee.  Job 42:1-2 KJV

What we consider problems are actually opportunities that leads up the ladder of success. Problems that come into our life on its own teaches us about creativity, compassion to help people who experience your kind of problem at a later date, providing solutions and a lot more.

Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow. James 1:17 (ISV). God can do anything and everything because our God is limitless. I want to assure you that anything you can imagine or think of or God ca do it. If you can just imagine it then it can be possible. You have no hands but have a desire to swim? Yes, you can. Why? You serve a God that has no boundary, one without a beginning or end.

If you can imagine the limitless might of God, you will realize how small your problems are. You need to realize that every challenge you are facing today is because God is already working on it. Therefore, there is no need to worry over the problem but focus on the blessings you have.
You may seem you have lost everything but you have gained life.

  1. God is limitless unto salvation and God is ready, waiting and about to save and redeem you this day. 
  2. God is limitless in deliverance. There is no situation you are in that God cannot turn around or bring you out of. Whatever crisis you may be in; God can deliver you from them all. Mark 9: 22-23 
  3. God is limitless in miracles. Like 1: 36-37. God can perform any kind of thing that you call a miracle. There was no prime minister in Egypt before Joseph. He can do all things and everything, beyond and above everything we can think or imagine
  4. God is limitless in prosperity and blessings. There is always something to be grateful about. 

I want to tell you as you read this post today, you are going to laugh because your God is limitless in miracles. Talk to Jesus now, bring your problems before Him, bring your challenges to Jesus. God is limitless in salvation and He is ready to save you and give you the turnaround He has laid out for you.