"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 KJV
The first problem is that we have misplaced values in the family. The candidate is a reflection of the majority in a nation. But the quality of the candidate is built from the foundation, which is the family. The goal of knowledge is transformation and not recall. We are supposed to be able to test how we apply for this is the essence of knowledge. Most parents want their children to be able to recall and so they groom them to excel in academics. They grow up not being able to question the life they live and the product of that life. Yet we complain that our children are not at par with their contemporaries all over the world.
Vision is the commitment of human being to alter the course of his life. Our children need authentic models, people who they can really trust, people that can help them get to where they are meant to be. Children need help and those to help them are called adults. A child that is 5 years today would be 35 in 30 years and what you build in his life today would determine who he would be at the age of 35 years. So many people are aging and not growing, and we do not want to train our children in this direction. We need to teach them how to grow so that at that time they look back would not be looking for aids or begging for money to pay bills.
There is no such thing as a stubborn child, there are only ignorant parents. Once a child is 18 he should be old enough and ready for responsibilities. We know that first in class is not first in life, children should not go to school to be the best in class, he goes to school for network which would help them for the future. As parents we need to change our standards, we need to change our goal. We need to change how we train our children and how we impact their life. Our children must be universal in their outlook and not local. They must be relevant on the global market.
This is the asset we must give to our children. Your children should not be like you; we need globally competitive children. A child is born with 4 natural quality, ignorance, fearlessness, spontaneity and curiosity. We as parents must nurture these 3 qualities in our children. Correct your child and not lose control by punishing them. Correction leaves the channel open that no matter what they do, they can come to you for love and understanding. That in spite of all that is happening anytime they come to you, they get solution. The most powerful word in the world is a word “NO”. Teach your child to say no. The second most powerful is “WHY”. They must be able to question the obvious, the status quo. If they dare to ask why they would be able to overcome a lot in life. You must also allow your children to say “NO” and “WHY” to you. From home they would be able to take it outside, because when they ask, you respect it and answer them, the confidence to ask outside would not be lacking.
don’t get so busy and delegate your responsibility to your children. Anything that doesn’t allow you to perform your duty to your child is a stronghold waiting to destroy the life of your child.
Train a child today so that when he is old he would yield great fruit. Your job as parent is to sow the seed, water the seed and continue sowing the seed. The job of God is the fruit and harvest. What really gets children off is the fear of the parents that they are doing something wrong and will go the wrong way. Do not let your fear control who your children would be.