For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
There are two things that affect a man; things that are inside of the man (internal revelation) and things that are outside of the man (external aggression). So, what are those things that are outside the man that can affect the man? I am talking about spiritual things.
A lot of times some people tend to think that it some witch or evil that is a result of their misfortune but most cases it is as a result of the decisions that we have taken. Someone who marries a person who is openly abusive cannot blame the problem of abuse on evil forces. It is a result of their own decision.
Mark 5: 7- 15 speaks of a mad man. The problem of the man is a result of demons from inside him that he either allowed knowingly or unknowingly which began to affect his mind.
A lot of things we see is often times as a result of the things we decide to do of our own free will.
There are people we see every day that are not in their right mind. They may seem alright, speak right and do those things in the right way. But deep down the decisions they make are not right either s a result of external aggression or internal revelation.
We tend to retire too early when it seems like we are at a place of comfort. We shut down and begin to take things for granted due to the little success we think we have.
There are a lot of us that go around with a negative mind; which limits us. This negative mind is
A fearful mind (God has not given us a spirit of fear) 2 Timothy 1: 7. People with a fearful mind is usually indecisive, they are limited and refuse to move forward because of fear.
When fear comes on your door send faith to it and you will find that there is nobody there. ~ Mrs. Hawckett
Hateful mind limits your progress in life. Hate is a waste of emotion and it is an emotion that you should channel to something more productive. A mind that hates will always be in bondage to those people they hate.
A worldly mind/ a canal mind/reprobate mind. It has covetousness, envy, back biters, proud, haters of God, disobedience to parents, without understanding. Romans 1: 26-32. For this people their mind is in reverse.
The “I live for today” mind. An example is the prodigal son in the bible who live for today and do not think of tomorrow or of others. The biggest investment in the world is the investment in other people and not the money you spend on yourself.
What have you made of your life? People have passed through the exact place you are passing through now. Do your best for the people you come in contact with daily.
We must live a right-minded life. Talk to God today and ask Jesus to give you a right mind.