Thursday, 10 October 2019

Are you being manipulated?

Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ezekiel 34: 2 KJV

Ezekiel 34: 1-5; Isaiah 65: 23; Zechariah 8: 12

The spirit of manipulation is rampart around the world today. People try to manipulate other people to reap where they have not sown. For money and to have an edge over the other person, even in churches you find out that many people are into manipulating people to do those things they would rather not do.

We are in times and seasons where even religious leaders intimidate their members.

The spirit of manipulation is so bad that they see it as a way of life. Some churches these days manoeuvre the people so much that everything the members do are according to their saying. They impose their own personal doctrine over their members.

At a time, I went to my child’s school. The principal spoke to us that parents must be united in how they teach and train their children. That children have a way of manipulating their parents so they can get their way.

In the workplace there is the mentality of manipulation. A senior colleague works hard to ensure a junior colleague doesn’t get promoted.

This spirit of manipulation is evident everywhere we turn. The mater of manipulation is the devil. He ensures that he manipulates us to not get the reward from the promises of God. He continues to deceive and counter what God has said concerning us.

Why are we victims of inadequacies? It is because of the spirit of manipulation. Why are we complaining about not succeeding in our labour?

God knows everything and He expects that you will come to Him for the fulfilment of His promises concerning you. How many of your prayers have you gotten answers for this year?

There is one good part of manipulation and that is the one that God is involved in. God can manipulate the forces and things that happen in your life to work in your favour. That is why He said that all things work together for our good.

How do we overcome the power of evil manipulation?
Live the word of God
Contend with the manipulating spirit in the place of prayer
Do not manipulate others so you are not manipulated
Give your life to Christ and allow Him to walk the journey of life with you