Sunday, 7 May 2017

Wisdom for Life - The Secret Things

"These proverbs can even add to the knowledge of the wise and give guidance to the educated, so that they can understand the hidden meanings of proverbs and the problems that the wise raise." Prov 1:5-6 GNB

The book of proverb was written by King Solomon, the son of King David who was the friend of God. While David was about to meet his maker he imparted unto his son wisdom he had acquired over the years. He said to his son, "There would be a day that God would visit you and ask you for something. Whatever God asks give it to him. When God asks you to pick a thing, ask for wisdom to fulfill his will and to lead his people."

The words of God are a light to the wise men. They help you to understand the secrets of God.

The book of Proverbs is a book that is filled with sayings of wisdom and they are necessary for daily living because it helps us to:

  1. Know wisdom and instruction to perceive the words of understanding
  2. Receive the instruction of wisdom justice and discipline 
  3. Give understanding to the simple minded people 
  4. Give wisdom to the wise to increase learning
  5. Understand the the secret sayings of life 
The world is shrouded in secrets, hence the reason for so many secret associations, cults and places of meetings that seeks to impart the secrets of the world to their members. People seek out the secrets of the world and in their search for the secret things find themselves in places of darkness. 

But there is a secret thing that brings light to those that find it. This secret thing belongs to the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed belongs to us the children of God. The revelation of this secret thing is released to us when we become his children through acceptance of Christ as Saviour and Lord.  Which is why God said in Isaiah 45:3 "And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel." 

However, God has kept the information that we seek in the secrecy of his words. God hides his things in secret for the following reasons.......
  1. For the wise to search for it
  2. So that there will be diligent seeking
  3. So that we will first of all fear God before seeking it
  4. So that we can appreciate the things we search for
  5. So that we become a friend to God
  6. Helps us to deepen our relationship with God (Psalm 42:7)
  7. Because secrets of God are precious and anyone who seeks it must deserve to find it
Secret things belong to God; wealth is not cheap. Anyone who has prospered, someone has paid for it. Therefore as children we must pay the price of knowing the secrets of God's word. The greatest relationship to open the doors of secret things of God is to been a friend of God. 

Therefore as children of God it is left to us to search out those secret things. We must make it our sole responsibility to seek God's secret so that we may have that relationship that makes us a friend of God.