And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need. Acts 4: 35
- You as an individual should be a pillar of righteousness
- Let your home be a pillar of righteousness
- Make sure your community is a pillar of righteousness
- Demand righteousness from your leaders
The major challenge we have towards growth and success is ignorance and lack of knowledge. We need to educate our people, let them know right from wrong and good from bad.
Today we have segregation in the world and this has also entered into the church. The church is a place for all, because rich or poor, we are the same in the sight of God.
We have to open our eyes and realize that no condition in life is permanent. We must come together to establish a righteous church and place for all, not leaving anyone out irrespective of who they are or where they are from.
One of the main roles of the church is to redistribute wealth amongst the people. They are to make sure that the wealth in and within the nation should go round with no one or family remaining poor.
A lot of people have a sense of entitlement. We believe that the world and the people around us owe us something. If people are serious and ready to work, then the church should be ready to ensure that they are empowered to succeed.
As Christians we must focus on the people and what the word says about loving our neighbour as ourselves. The love of the world and the money it holds should not be allowed to have sway in the church and among its people.
Christians must wake up to their responsibility. We must begin to rethink, we must stretch forth our hands and be united against the common enemy that wants to fight the church and the spread of the gospel.
Church should be able to identify the serious people and help them to start small and grow into greatness.