Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Have you reviewed your life in 2018?

So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's call through Christ Jesus to the life above. Philippians 3: 14

This is a new year, each year comes with its own blessings, open doors, opportunities; however, it is important for us to put our best foot forward. We need to do a review of our life and all that we want out of the life we live. To do that effectively, we need to ask ourselves a few questions.

  1. Who am I as a person?
  2. What is this life all about, why am I going through this processes in life? 
  3. What really do I want in this life, more importantly what does God want me to take out of this life? 
  4. What am I going to become in this life?

These questions will give you an insight into what you need to do on a daily basis to achieve. Answering those questions would help you answer another question. How am I going to live my life daily in 2018? It is important for us to do a daily review of our life as much as the occasional reviews.

In Philippians 3: 12-14, Apostle Paul gives a review of his life and the journey therein. He says briefly that in spite of everything there are certain things he has decided to do, things he wants out of life, things he wants to do. He forgets the challenges, difficulties, issues of the past and moves to the future with a singular focus and faithfulness.
How are we going to work out this year and ensure that the year works out for us? What are those things that we do daily that we need to correct?
We need to live our lives in the best way to we can to ensure that we do not have regrets and begin to look back. Whatever that has been committed to our hand it is important that we do it with all our might.