In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee. Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had asked this thing. 1Kings 3: 3, 9-10 (KJV)
If we fail to live and abide the bible we would find it difficult to live life to the fullest.
Why was Solomon successful? He asked for wisdom. Why did Solomon ask for wisdom? He asked for wisdom so he would be able to be a great leader.
In the book of Exodus we read about the life of Moses and his battle with leading the children of Israel. They were in the wilderness all through the book of Exodus. A lot of us are wondering in the wilderness of life; living a life that is on lock down.
The enemy knows that the future is destined on that particular area that is on lock down. The enemy locked Moses down for 80 years and they are doing the same thing with a Lot of people even today.
Every area in your life that is on lock down we must unlock it. There is something inside of us that is aiding the lock down. Some of us keep doing the same thing but refuse to try another approach.
Moses had to turn aside to see the burning bush and it then that he got the release from the lock down. For how long are we going to remain in our mindset? The bible says be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
After 40 years in the wilderness God came to Moses
- Don’t commit suicide
- Turn aside and see
- Those who are looking for you have been killed
Everything inside you locking your life down, your character, attitude, way of thinking, arrogance, stubbornness they shall be removed from your life today as you shine the light of Christ on them and let go of them.
Some people love children but don’t have children; some people want to make money so they can touch lives; some people want to have a ministry to change lives; some people want to have a happy home but don’t. they are on lock down because the devil knows if you are able to access that key our life will follow the path that God wants it to.
Moses made a mistake and the devil used it as an excuse to put his life on lock down. Anybody here that the devil has locked down the Lord will intervene and release you today. Any area of your life that the devil is locking you down
The devil wants to prevent you from thinking in that way. Moses had to turn aside
There is something inside you that you have to change. Arrogance, stubbornness, attitude, character, love of money must change, we cannot continue to do things the same way and expect a change in the outcome.
The enemy who sought after us will be removed.
Prayer point: Every spirit of lock down in your life be destroyed today in Jesus name Amen.