Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. Exodus 3: 1 KJV
Exodus 3: 1-10; Exodus 7: 9
Moses was 80 years old when he encountered the burning bush. To all intent he would have been considered a failure; he was working for his father in-law and beholden to his wife’s family. A lot of us see ourselves in this light as well.
Why are people considered failures? Some people have their life programed in the wrong way.
- We do not have the right kind of mentors 1 Samuel 2: 22. A lot of us have failed because we do not have the right kind of mentor-ship. If this is your case, you must reprogram your life
- A lot of us did not determine at a young age how we want our future to be. A lot of us did not define for ourselves how we like to see ourselves in the future. Gen 37: 4
- We do not have a vision of how our life’s success should be. What is the idea that you saw or see in your mind of where you think your life is going?
- We fail to dream big and imagine the unimaginable and bring it to life
- A lot of us went into the wrong program because we took the wrong decision. Gen 25: 29-34. With this wrong decision, we find ourselves struggling and fighting to find our way out of the wrong decision
A lot of us has made a mistake at one time or the other in life that has changed the course of our lives. For some it was the first job, the first boyfriend/ girlfriend, the wife/husband, the decision to use drugs, the first investment we made; all this mistakes change the direction of our lives and how we succeed on that journey.
There is space for everyone to be great. There is no big conglomerate today that started big, they all started small and worked hard, with dedication and focus. What God is asking you is what do you have in your hand for Him to bless and multiply for you.
The only thing that can re-program your life and put it on the path of success and fulfillment is to invite God into your life and allow Him to direct your path. Determine in your heart and in your life that things must change! Turn around and link the right path God had ordained for you.
God’s plan for us is not one of failure; for He says that His thought for us are good to give us an expected end. Jeremiah 29: 11. Cry unto God, cry like David, Jesus, Abraham, Isaac, Jabez, the widow of Zarephat cried and they experienced a change in their lives.