Sunday, 13 August 2017

The power of positive thinking

And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: Genesis 37: 5-6

Joseph brothers hated him not because of anything, but because of the love his father had for him. When Joseph dreamed, and shared it to his brothers, they hated him the more. He was just a child of 17 yrs whom his father loved. Yet his brothers who were older than him hated him and envied him. They hated him for 2 reasons; they hated him because his father loved him, they hated him for his dreams.

In Genesis 37, the bible made us to understand that a man had 12 sons. And out of the twelve, only one has the capacity to think. We are what we are by the things we think. A lot of us have issues with our thoughts. We do not have the ability to control our thoughts and what we think about. We are blown whichever way by the power of our thoughts, or the inability of our thoughts

The power of the thinking in the mind of Joseph helped him to have a focus and purpose which he worked towards. It was the power of his thinking that gave him the wisdom to not be derailed when the wife of his boss sought him out. He knew who he was and where he was going, he had the understanding that succumbing to the pleasure she offered would derail his purpose. 
His thoughts and thinking manifested in the benefits of his thought. 

There are three categories of people in life. 
  1. The people that think and make things happen
  2. The people that watch things happen because they cannot think it through
  3. The people that cannot make things happen because they cannot think at all

The bible tells us that Joseph started thinking at the age of 17. The earlier we start thinking about our future, the better. Children at particular age should be left to be adults. We baby ourselves almost to the last, hence, our children remain babies even in adulthood. At the age of 17 Joseph was taking responsibility, he was taking care of his father’s business. We must begin to think of who we are and who we want to become. We need to think, and think well in advance. 

Relating this to our children of this age, what they think about is nicoledeon, soccer, T.v shows. At 17 years you would rarely find a child thinking about his future. Their thoughts do no have a far reaching span. Those that does, do not carry the weight and leading of the spirit. 
Why do our children still remain babies even after they have reached adulthood?
The reason is because as parents, we think for them, and don`t let them do the thinking themselves. 

 Things to do to be able to think effectively
  1. We need to know God for ourselves, and not through the eyes of others. 
  2. Need to seek knowledge.  As wisdom and knowledge is a critical thing. Proverbs 
  3. We need to be a positive thinker.  A lot of us been too negative, and it is really affecting us. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2 KJV
  4. We need to enlarge our coast and expand our territories and we do away with negativity. The more Joseph was hated, the greater his dreams became 

                                     Change your thinking.....