"So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown."
Job 2 :1-7 KJV
Bible passage: Job 2: 1-10
Sometimes, God allows us to pass through some challenge, because the will of God sometimes takes us through a path full of thorns. God boasted of Job to Satan who told God that the only reason Job served God was because of the hedge that was formed around him.
Satan cannot touch your life and nothing can kill you except God permits it. The devil took Job through a path filled with thorns but even under so much pressure and through a lot of trials not once did Job sin against God.
What is your reaction in the face of adversity? God permitted Job to go through illness. Spiritual illness is manifested as physical illness. Hence, it is important that we take our spiritual life very seriously. A lot of us do not dig deep enough into the spirit and allow the enemy to have its way. All the spiritual exercises that we should engage in, we fail to do it.
The fact that we seem to get away with sin doesn’t mean we are getting away with it. What it means is that God is giving us a wide rope, a wide rope of repentance. No one gets away with sin, every sin has its repercussion. All the corruption that we see around us is a result of sin, spiritual illness. We may think that we have gotten away with the way we live our life, but each and every action of ours is written in a book and recorded.
Know this, that everything here on earth is temporary, at the most we live for 150 years what happens afterwards? How do you ensure that you make it to heaven? Everybody wants to live for now but there is no guarantee of tomorrow. We have become too entrenched in the affairs of this world, not thinking about the things to come and where we would spend eternity.
A lot of people do not want to experience a little pain or pressure. We need to do the right spiritual things, we need to simplify our life and save our soul for eternity.
God is waiting for that time to judge our thoughts and actions. God is going to judge they way we think. What are the things that makes our body weak? The things that makes our body attract sickness?
- Sin! We cannot continue to sin and expect grace to abound. Romans 6:1
- Dishonour to parents. The funeral for a dead parent is not more important as the parent. Exodus 20:12
- A curse that is sent someone’s way. Parents bless your children. Life and death are in the tongue Proverb 18:21
- God gives permission to Satan to test us
- Envy, bitterness or the despising of others opens us to illness. Proverbs 14:30