Sunday, 13 October 2019

What decisions are you making?

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3: 1-2

There is a system failure in Nigeria. We have challenges that are open opportunities that we can all leverage on around us. We need to pray for the leadership that they know where they are taking us. If you are a leader yourself, raise yourself up so that you would know where you are going.

Very quickly this morning I want us to look at 4 things and 4 critical decisions that we must take as a people. In Colossians 3, Paul writing to a confused world said if you are living in Christ, we are to set our affections on things above not on things in the world. Then he says we are to mortify your flesh which dwells with things on the earth. What are those things you should mortify? Covetousness, inordinate affection, fornication which is idolatry. Idolatry these days in not only those who worship idols, it is the people who fornicate do evil concupiscence and covet what belongs to their fellow man.

God is angry because He does not tolerate any kind of unrighteousness. He says we must put off the old man and put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge through the Christ that lives in us. Today ladies and gentlemen e live in a confused world. I stumbled on the American election campaign and the topical issue is what they were going to do with the LGBTQ community. They were asking the candidates how they would treat the people in this community. They asking about the people who are confused about their sexual affection an act which the bible called idolatry.
Now in the USA if you go to the hospital and you say your hand is bad and they should cut it off they say no hold on let’s see what we can do before we cut it off. If you take a child to the hospital who says she thinks she is a boy and doesn’t want the breast, they will cut it off immediately. Somebody was saying that they had a boy who says he thinks he thinks he is a girl. When they researched this boy and began to find out what he thinks he is a boy. They found out that they boy used to have a sister who had issues at child birth, the boy thought that if he is a girl his parents would love him more.

The whole world is upside down. There are some things that the world leaders need to decide on. In Nigeria and in individual lives there are some 4 things we need to make up our mind about. Today it is all about self, personal interest, selfishness, focus only on what benefits us alone as a human being. This is what is happening with our leadership, they are focused only on what is beneficial to them alone as a person.

For the first time in my life I was afraid to return to my home town because of what would happen. Few weeks ago, a friend of mine arrived in Benin and within minutes of arrival she had being captured and kidnapped. She was starved and deprived of water for 15 days.

The challenge we face in Nigeria today is where the common man has no hope. Nigerians as well as people all over the world are being victimized and terrorized because they are Christians. In the northern part of Nigeria and some other parts of the world people are imprisoned or killed if they convert to Christianity.

We need to decide 4 things in Nigeria

  1. We need to make up our mind whether God exists or not. Jeremiah 10:23
  2. The world needs to decide whether they are going to serve this God or not. Jeremiah 10: 20-22. The Lord is not doing what the church should do. Pastors have become selfish, self-centered and not teaching the people the way of the Lord. Some pastors have private jets that even their ministers cannot enter their jet.
  3. The world needs to decide what their vision for their nations are; what do you want God to do for your nation, the church needs to decide what its vision for the nation is, you need to decide what God’s vision for your life is. We go around our lives not remembering that there is a God, God has a plan, God has a vision for nations and a vision for your life. We use God as a demand responding God and yardstick to meet our demands without giving Him the respect that He deserves. Where there is no respect of God there can be no rule of law and no direction for life. 
  4. We need to decide what we will leave behind and what we will be remembered for. Nigerians need to decide what they are going to leave behind and people and the world will remember them for. 

As a people we must come together and fight the common enemy. We need to decide what we are going to become, and you need to decide in your own life what you are going to become.
If you have read these words today and you are undecided about where your life is heading, decide today and allow Christ to help you walk in the purpose that God has created you to accomplish.