Sunday, 21 May 2017

The fear of the Lord

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverb 1:7"

One of the greatest challenges today is that people do not fear God. Because of this, they lack knowledge and so do not have the ability to live a fulfilled life.

What is this fear of the Lord? This is a general sense of respect, awe, reverence and submission to the Lord. This fears also makes us a friend of God and lover of the Lord that walks to reflect the nature of God.

People fear men, institutions, governments, their parents, even the things they can see but we do not fear God. We think that God is so far away that His control and words have no meaning. The word of God says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.

The fear of the Lord gives us the ability to know and understand. This fear was very evident in the life of Christians in the days of old. Hence the reason why we have so many inventions made by Christians and Jews.

The fear of the Lord makes us have the hunger to serve him, in serving God He will do great and mighty things for us and in our life. The fear of the Lord makes us questions our moves and action. We begin to ask ourselves, 'will my actions please the Lord?'

David feared God but the day he sinned with Bathsheba trouble began in his life. The day we begin to not fear God and to disobey him, their is a change in our life and everything starts to go downhill.

Most of the sufferings in the life of man comes from a lack of the fear of God. We think we can do anything we like and get away with it. It seems we get away with sin and lack of fear because their is no swift retribution. But like God said to Abram in Genesis 15:16 "But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full."

The Lord is waiting and expecting us to have a fear of him and not of men and what this life on earth can offer us or take away from us. The love He has for us is making him hold back the hands of retribution. But we must realize that once our iniquity is full things we cannot explain begins to happen in our life. Let us prevent the peace of God from departing from our life by having a fear of God.

For our good and that of our generations to come we need to fear the Lord. If you are going to be a Christians, be a Christian. The fear of the Lord is not a place of hardship but the start of a wonderful relationship. It's a relationship with a loving father that makes knowing him and living after His likeness an easy one.