For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3 (ESV)
God sent an Angel to Moses in the burning bush, this attracted his attention. When God saw that Moses turned aside and look, He called Moses and that was beginning of his purpose for the freedom of Israel from slavery.
I want to tell you today that God will send an Angel to you and their will be a reset for your life. This very week God will press the reset button to your life and things will turn around for you.
Whatever mistake we have made God is able to turn it to good, all we need to do is turn to God and talk to Jesus.
Moses moved before his time and in his push to be the deliverer of his brothers the Israelite, he made a mistake and he found himself in the wilderness of life. A lot of people makes mistake when they are not walking in the purpose and the season of life.
How do you know you are in the wilderness of life?
- You are not satisfied with where you are, that feeling is all over you
- You find yourself in a strange relationship
- When you come to certain age and you know you don't measure up to your colleagues
God met Moses in the wilderness while he had missed his time. The prayer is that God will meet us in the wilderness of life and make a way for us to that place of reset.
Know this;
- God has a plan for your life
- God is with you all the time
- As you consistently remind God and open your heart to Him; He will continue to speak to you
- When you learn from the mistakes of the past, God will speak for you
- You are going through the wilderness of life so that God can bring you out.
Today lift your eyes and heart up to the Lord and accept His help.