Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land.
Exodus 1: 8 – 10 KJV
Exodus 1: 1-15
Nigeria is a blessed country; it is an extremely blessed country. There is no part of Nigeria that is not blessed. The bible said that Joseph died and all his generation died, and a ruler came in Egypt who knew not Joseph. During this time the children of Israel grew and they were much and great.
Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa and has the highest number of black population in the world. It is the 4th largest population in Nigeria.
In Nigeria, we are blessed with about 36 mineral resources with much potential than the oil that the country has focused on as a means of revenue generation. Nigeria has extreme resource.
Some Nigerians are some of the most intelligent, most efficient, most knowledgeable and capable people in all parts of the world where they are found; whatever the field or profession.
There is extreme illiteracy even in this nation; about 70% of this great country are poor to the extreme.
Nigerians are known to serve with rigor and hardship under the burden of enslavement to poverty and the rule of bad leadership.
What are the problems of the nation Nigeria?
- The people enjoy the suffering; they are suffering and smiling and have refused to set their pharaohs aside
- We don’t know a leader when we see one and we don’t know the kind of leader we want. That is why when anybody shows we accept just anybody
- We have an entitlement mentality; always thinking only of things that benefit ourselves
- Nobody wants to give something; everybody wants to receive everything
- Not taking responsibility - The problem of Nigeria has to do with the individual citizen of Nigeria; no one wants to take responsibility but would rather put the blame at someone else’s doorstep.
What can we do to make Nigeria great?
- Be involved in the life of people at the grassroots level
- We need to have a working template that is the fundamental things that must run irrespective of who is in position of leadership
- There is need for individual change, every Nigerian must become a reflection of the kind of leader they need
- We need to start believing in the nation and speak positively about the nation Nigeria.
- Refuse to vote in the leaders that are not competent to be in power.