Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Genesis 12:1
The life of a Christian has to be a reflection of God's nature. It is important to live a significant life because this is what makes life worth living. A lot of us do not live a significant life because we base our existence on acquiring and meeting basic needs. We base what we achieve on buying cars, building houses, and acquiring things which have no eternal value. To us this is what makes life worth living. But after you are gone no one will remember what type or model of car you used 100 years after, no one wants to know if you lived in a house with 20 bedrooms 50 years from now. What makes generations to come remember you is the impact you made while you were alive, the live you touched, the changes you brought to your generation.
Living a significant life means leaving our footprints in the sands of life. A life that changes lives. People who have lived a significant life live on after they are gone from here. These people are remembered because they leave a legacy behind. Their significance is not based on worldly acquisitions. However, they leave a legacy that many generations to come find important to their existence and of great value. This is the life that we should model and strive for.
As Christians we must be a by-word that people overlook. In all honesty, it doesn't take money to be significant. Example of such a significant person is Mother Teresa. She was not wealthy in money but she lived a life that made kinds and world leaders seek her out.
As children of God to live a significant life we must seek first the kingdom of God, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you Mathew 6:33 KJV. It is our role and responsibility to look for God and be a reflection of heaven hear on earth. Living a significant life also hinges on how we think and what we think about. It is about us thinking right and living right.