What is happening in front of us and around us will not pass us by; what God has ordained us for will not pass us by. The wise men observed the star and followed it.
How many people in Israel knew that Jesus was born? Why didn’t the whole of Israel not know when he was born? They were nor discerning; not looking and watching. They were foretold of an opportunity; that the Messiah was coming around that time.
They were not focused enough; on the things of God, on things happening around us, on things happening with and to the people around us.
We need to ask God questions, to study the word, meditate on the word, live on and by it. There is a need for spiritual sensitivity.
What kind of a day was it when Jesus Christ was born? It was a normal day, a simple day, and ordinary day. Great things happen in simple ways, ways we never expected, imagined or thought of. This is how and when God shows up. An ordinary day can end up in an extra ordinary way. A lot of the time opportunities pass us by when we least expect it.
When you enter somewhere let your anthennas be up. When you are a in a place we need to be spiritually sensitive to what God is saying and what He wants us to get from it.
“Wise men came from the east saying”. What was it that made it possible for the wise mean to arrive safely at their destination? The beginning of a journey is not as important as arriving safely at the destination.
- They followed the star
- They were focused on where they were not going
- They were united
- The took collective responsibility (they traveled as wise men and arrived as wise men. When they were going to speak they all spoke together as the wise men.)
For us to get to where we are going we must be focused on the destination, be spiritually discerning, be conscious of opportunities around us.
Picture coutesy: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Three-wise-men_2769.jpg