And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Gen 2:8 KJV
Text: Genesis 2: 8-17
The beginning of life was like this, God took man out of the earth and He breathe into him the breathe of life then he formed a garden. After that He put man in the garden. In the midst of the garden there were 2 trees; the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The verse is a pictorial representation of what the earth looked like and what God had planned for man to look like. God planted a garden ( a near perfect one)and then created man and put him in the garden. Even before man was born/made all he needed to thrive was already in place. All man needed was to add value to that which God had done.
God put man in the garden to dress it, look after it and add value to it. God put man in the garden and commanded man, gave him an instruction; he can eat freely from all the things in the garden except the trees of life (a tree that gives everlasting life) and the tree of knowledge.
God created a situation where man had to go through a process/ test to have everlasting life. He created a life of action and reaction. We live in a consequential life where everything we do has a consequence. The fact that the consequence does not happen immediately or as we have acted does not mean that it does not have a consequence.
As I was coming to church today I got a distress call and I want you to give me some answers. It was a call from a lady who had gone from a life of wealth to a life of distress. Her children were not interested in her and don’t pay her any attention. Why should someone work very hard, get to old age and still isn’t able to put it together?
The bible says in Exodus 20 verse 12, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." Put this in your right hand; if you still have parents that are alive do not quarrel with them. Love them and honour them in spite of it all.
It is important that we as parents prepare for old age. Some people took some children on excursion to an old people’s home and a motherless baby’s home. The person who took them to the old people’s home to show them that one day it will get to their turn. We will all get old some day. It is difficult to grow old; we have to plan for our old age now so that we will not beg bread in old age. We must teach people to be self sufficient; know what to spend money on. I have seen people who were very rich in their youth and adulthood but now in their old age they live in penury.
What should you do to make sure that yo never beg bread? Are you too busy with the unimportant things in the now and fail to focus on the tomorrow? What is that thing you see as a priority?
- A lot of us pray for things that changes in our character can solve and wisdom can respond to. If we do not change some things in our character we will continue to pray without an answer. If we have the right attitude to life success is sure. A lot of people succeed do so not because they have prayed but because they have the right character
- There are principles to life. Whether you know it or not is not important. What is important is that the principles exist. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. So if you want to succeed then you must know and follow this principles. The principles are seen in the bible and we must search it out. The bible tells us stories of the people who have lived in both the old and new testament. The fact that you don’t see the result of something immediately doesn’t mean that the result will not come, there is nothing we do that we will not get the reward. It may seem like the wicked is getting away with his wickedness, do not be moved for all wickedness has its reward.
- You need to see the end of your life from the beginning. Once you are born time starts clicking. How are you going to make sure that you are comfortable and okay when you are no longer strong enough to work?
- You need to work hard and smart while you are still able to work. The time to work hard is between the age of 25 and 55 years. After this we should be relaxing and enjoying the benefits of our hard work.
- Pray without ceasing. Everything pry about it.
- The final and most important thing is to give. Give to the people in need of help. Give to God. Give your time, your resources, your life.