Sunday, 5 May 2019

The Principles of Success 1

Beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper even as thy soul prospers.  
3 John verse 2 (KJV)

I want to assure somebody here that God wants everyone to succeed. Let no one think that they have been created not to succeed. God wants every Christian to be rich, prosper and fulfil destiny. Genesis 1:28

God blessed man and declare fruitfulness into him and this is why Psalm 139:14 says I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

You were created and designed to succeed, Jeremiah 1:5. makes us understand the mind of God concerning us in His conversation with the Prophet Jeremiah. God knew you before He made you. He understood who you are and knew your capacity and capabilities.

Success is built into you; God has built inside of you the ability to succeed. Gen 1:27. Into every creation that God created He has already built the functionality for success in the person.

Success is predictable because it is built into you; all you need to do is follow that plan of success. If you want a fish to swim, you put it in water for it to succeed in swimming. If you want a seed to grow, you plant it in fertile soil and not on concrete floor for it to succeed. You don’t need to beg a plant or tree to succeed, therefore we do not need to be begged to succeed because we have been created to succeed. For man to succeed he also has to be in the right place; Man has to be in the Lord.

It doesn’t matter what we think our limitation, birth or issues are but know this; God does not make a mistake. It is not about how you start in life but what matters is how we end the race. God has a plan; beginning and end for every one He created.

A lot of us have gone into depression because of what the bible calls the seasons of life. We have become discouraged because we are faced one challenge or another. Know this a lot of us will go through life and be faced with temporary setbacks and issues that may seem to weigh us down.

Failure is also predictable. If you do not do the things you need to do to succeed you will fail. The reason why a lot of us have failed or are failing because we have not done those things we need to do to succeed.