And as he talked with them, behold, there came up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the armies of the Philistines, and spake according to the same words: and David heard them. 24 And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him, and were sore afraid. 1 Samuel 17:23-24 KJV
The victory over Goliath required a counter challenge by the children of Israel. David had an understanding of what Elisha said to his servant. And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 2 King 6:16 KJV.
Everybody has a Goliath that is speaking against our face saying we will see how you succeed. To counter this however, in every home, nation and place there is a David that has been looked down on. It is up to us to let go of our fear and let David overcome the uncircumcised philistine that is enslaving us and trying hold us back that we may not succeed.
There is nothing wrong in aspiring in life, career, family. It is human nature to aspire to succeed. The challenge in life is that even as we aspire we are frightened by the Goliath in our life, We are afraid to come out of our comfort zone. We have become enslaved by the circumstances of our life, we listen to what people say. The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets. Proverbs 26:13 KJV.
Too many people have very little aspiration and most people aspire to nothing. In 1 Samuel 17 the children of Israel saw the giant and ran away, their aspiration of victory in battle over the philistines were dashed by a goliath. They were gripped by fear. Life is for the bold and the brave, and the life we are not strong to protect will run away from us. Goliath means an exile, a wanderer from the wine press. Goliath was therefore not worthy of the fear because he was a nobody in the land, all he had was the noise he made. A lot of the Goliath in our life has no substance and is not worthy of the fear and attention we give to it.
For us, that challenge we face may seem like a big and insurmountable but the truth of the Word of God tells us that nothing can be too big for the God who is lord over all we can see or think. The mystery of challenges is anything that is big is only so in our imagination. It is like smoke in the wind, like chaff. Whatever is big in our eyes is very tiny before God, all we need to do is to give David a chance in our life to express himself and to try what he wants to try so he can bring the Goliath in your life down.
Today speak to God and ask that where ever your David is, the Lord should bring him forth and let him take on the Goliath and put an end to him. Stand today with the believe that every Goliath in your life is of no significance because Christ has already nailed them to the cross. He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets. Colosians 2:15 MSG. Therefore that Goliath in your life has already lost its power; all it has are barks with no bite. Move on and live the victorious life of Christ that lives in you.
As children of God we have the answer to the Goliath that is holding us back from overcoming.
- Having an understanding of who God is- God is all powerful, all encompassing and can do all things which includes overcoming trillions of Goliaths with just the move of a finger
- Having an understanding of who we are - He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world
- Have the ability to aspire to greater things- aspire and take action, move in the trust in the God who holds you in the palm of His hands
- We must get away from those things that is holding us down
- You must know and differentiate the fact from the truth - fact was that Goliath was a giant who was a champion fighter but truth is that God is greater and mightier than every Goliath combined
- All that we need to know is that God can do all things and he can make little things to solve dig problems - David was a small young man before a giant but Goliath was so big that a small stone could not miss.