While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8: 22 KJV
The word faithful means to be steadfast in giving affection or allegiance. It is to be firm in adherence to promises or in observance of duty. We therefore say our God is Faithful, firm in adherence to His promises that He made to mankind and in observance of His duty. It is God that has promised and He will fulfill that which he has promised. He is faithful in covenant keeping. Gen 8: 21-22. Therefore, the place that God’s covenant has put you, no one can take you away from that place; not even you can move yourself from there. Covenant is an agreement; God has an agreement with man and the agreement is sealed with His name and the blood of Jesus Christ.
There are certain things we do not pray for in this earth. You do not need to pray to sow seed or to harvest because there will always be seed time and as long as you able to plant a seed you will always reap the harvest. Once you plant a seed you will doubles reap it, and it will come without fail that harvest will come. If you sow a bad seed the harvest will come.
God is faithful in making a way. A lot of times, certain things overwhelms a lot of us. There are times we think our prayers will not be answered or that God will not fulfill His promises to us. In 1 Corinthian 10:13, God assures us through His words that no matter how hard the temptation and life trials may be, He will make a way out of it for us. All the tension and anxiety, pain and wonder whether we would make it or not. God would always make a way. Whatever it is we are going through, God is faithful who will not make a way of escape for us when we go through temptation and life challenges. I assure you that God will make a way, no matter how bad the situation may seem. As long as you are alive, there is hope for you in the name of Jesus.
We are pressed on all sides, for some it if because we fail to take the right decision at the right time, for some because we missed the way at a point in life, for some it is as a result of external factors, while for others it is as a result of our carelessness. That test that does not kill you will make you stronger.