Sunday, 30 April 2017

The Power to do the Impossible!

"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." ~Acts 1:8

Every single person or individual needs power. That ability and force to make things happen, to influence people through mutual acceptance and acceptability.
However, a lot of people find themselves in a position where they have become powerless (without power).
Mephiboseth, found himself in such a position of powerlessness. He was the grandson of a King (by birth in line for the throne) but because of circumstances he became powerless not of his own effort but that of others. Sometimes because of ignorance we hand over our power to our neighbour, to the enemy, and to those who can use the power that is ours against us. Esau was in such a situation, he handed over his power (birthright) to his younger brother because of hunger that is fleeting. He never realised the full meaning of the power behind a birthright. A lot of Christians have handed over their birthright through their actions and the choices that they have made. While some have had their power taken away from them forcefully or someone in authority over their life handed over power that should be theirs without their consent.

Why would you need power? When you have the power to do the impossible, your life will never be the same again. Your life and situation would experience a great and mighty change. You will have a peace that man cannot touch or shake. The power to do the impossible will put you before your maker.

  1. We need power to get ourselves back on the track of life
  2. With the power to the impossible you can turn impossible situations around
  3. We can turn around our lives from the mistakes we made
  4. We need power to do those things God command Gen 1:28
  5. With power you can restore yourself to a position of riches and honour Deut 8:18
  6. With power you can command the elements and do the seemingly impossible Ps 78: 26-27
Without power we loose our peace and enter into a state of fear and uncertainty. 

It is through power that man is able to prepare for his future. Power when you are young to prepare and store what is needed for your old days. 

How do we get this power?
  1. Acts 1:8 Through the holy spirit coming upon you
  2. Deuteronomy 8:18 When you remember the Lord thy God
  3. Eccl 5:9 As a gift from God
  4. John 1:12 Receiving and accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour
  5. Prov. 3:27 By not withholding from whom it is due
  6. Romans 1:16 Not been ashamed of the gospel of Christ

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Giving - Built on a Foundation of Love

Giving is the foundation of love. Rom. 8:1

"Giving is freely and lovingly transferring of the possession of something of ours to our brethren and all those around us in need."

The foundation of giving is found in love because for us to really give selflessly we must first love and show love. This would make giving, to man and to God, an easy and simple way of life.

When we do not have love in our heart towards God and our fellow man we would find it difficult to give. When we talk about giving, we need to understand that giving comes from the foundation of love.

Mathew 22: 37-40 speaks of the greatest commandments of all. A command to love God and to love our neighbour. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. 1 John 2:10 KJV

Giving built on a foundation of love brings us into the light and this light shows him the way that he does not stumble.

What do we have to give?

  1. We have time to give
  2. We have our money to give
  3. We give possessions 
  4. We give a listening hear
  5. We give prayers
  6. We give our service to God and man
  7. We give our talents
  8. We give our knowledge
  9. We give our skills
Which ones of these and more do you give in love? Let us remember that God so loved the world that he gave. God gives because he loves us and if we are made in his likeness after his Image then we must also give because we love God and our fellow man. 

When we give, we give to the Lord. So when we give to our fellow man, we should do so without any expectations. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27

Sunday, 9 April 2017

The Power of His Resurrection

"For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness."  2 Samuel 22:29

It's Palm Sunday!! A day of great power-------- a day marked as that of triumph, triumphant entry into Jerusalem by Christ over 2,000 years ago in readiness for his resurrection that gives us power over sin and the works of sin.

The power of resurrection is the ability and energy we have through Christ to control situations; the energy to change the lives of the people around us and bring them to the love of God. It is the power to live as a reflection of God through Christ Jesus. It is the power to live in holiness and in truth; to do the right thing.

The power of living for Christ gives us the strength that the believer needs to be able to succeed in his Christian life.

A lot of us are afraid of so many things - the dark, financial handicap, poverty, greatness, been single, plagues and so many of those things that befalls man. It is fear and lack of power that makes man to give up hope and life. It i this lack of power that makes us to give up that most precious gift that God has given us - our life.

Having the power of His resurrection gives us victory over fear and instead of fear we have strength and hope to live and celebrate each day though the great Grace of God.

The power of resurrection gives the believer the power to grow our faith and hope in Christ Jesus. The power of resurrection gives us peace - a peace that no man or thing in this world can never give. This power gives us the strength to move.

3 things that power can do in your life-----------------

1. With power you can perform miracles and raise the dead Luke 5:17
2. With power you can help God to redeem people and set the captive free
3. Power can transform your life