And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11: 31-32
We live in a kingdom system that operates with keys. Keys give you access. Two things that keys do, authority and access. It is when you have the keys that you are able to enter into a brand new world.
Jesus said to the disciples; "
I have given you the key, whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven." This means that heaven responds to earth. Jesus said when the son of man returns to earth shall He find faith on earth. This means that what heaven responds to on earth is faith.
Keys are no respecter of person. They will work for anybody who engages them. Exploits are not automatic. If exploits were automatic everybody would have access to it. Every believer has a right to walk in exploit, but not every believer is walking in exploit. It is not that God has not allowed them to walk in exploits, but people have failed to use the key required to walk in exploits.
There is one important thing we need to have in order for us to do exploits. The key to exploit is knowledge. Your ignorance is the strength to your enemy. Your ignorance empowers your enemy. What we refuse to know is an area where the enemy can exploit us, an opportunity for the enemy to have power over our greatness.
Keys to open the door to exploits
- You have to know God Daniel 11: 31-32.
- You have to be strong
- You must have imposing aggressive faith
- Tap into the power of importunate and relentless prayer
- Be lead by the Holy Spirit.
Do you know God? Some people know the Church; some know Pastors but do not know God. Paul said “that I may know God”. When you become intimate with God, good will come to you. When you acquaint yourself with God peace will come to you. Peace is not the absence of warfare but it is having a greater fire in you that the one on the outside; it is knowing that the fire on the outside cannot consume you no matter how much it rages. Daniel 3: 8-30 tells the story of 3 Hebrew men who showed exploit in a fiery burning furnace.
My God is a great Jehovah, He is omnipotent - all powerful. This means God is the undisputed heavy weight champion of the world. He is the God that never loses a war. If you ever catch a glimpse of the omnipotence of God you will understand the impotence of the devil and how insignificant he is in the whole scheme of your life. If the devil had the power to kill; he would have killed you yesterday. But he couldn’t because he is impotent and powerless.
In other words your intimacy with God will intimidate the devil. This is why the devil does not want you to know God. You can only know God through his Words, through the Spirit, through the people around you.
The strong will have exploits and the weak will be exploited. Which one do you want to be? The choice is very clear, either you have exploit or be exploited. You have to be strong in the word, in faith and in prayer. You cannot pray weak, small prayers and expect strong and big answers. Jesus didn’t pray like a mouse, He prayed strong, with great conviction.
Imposing and aggressive faith is the type that won’t take no for an answer. Mark 5: 21-25. The crowd followed Jesus and they got nothing. Jarius got Jesus to follow Him to his house and He got a miracle. Jarius imposed on Jesus and this ensured that the Lord followed him home to heal his daughter. While going to Jarius house another miracle happened, the woman with the issue of blood stopped Jesus. That day in the midst of a crowd it is recorded that only 2 people got their miracle. The one that made Jesus follow him to his home and the other that stopped Jesus with her faith. Can your faith stop Jesus to perfect your miracle? Or will your prayers impose God to follow you to that place where you need Him most?
Are you ready to have exploit today? Jesus will not follow you all the way to your house if you have fear or unbelief. He will only come if you have the word, live in His Spirit and have the faith to back it up. To have exploit you need the spiritual virtues to back it up.