Sunday, 29 September 2019

What is your value?

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10: 29 – 31 KJV

I just want to remind us that we are valuable. A lot of us when we talk about self-esteem, it is all taken from the bible. There is already a lot of self-worth missing in a lot of Christians these days. Why? Out prayers are not answered as fast as we expect. We are impatient for an answer and we lose our worth in ourselves and lose value. When this happens, we become a target of the enemy the devil.

We are of great value to God. He says we are of greater value than any worldly thing we can think of. The sparrow that is sold at 2 a penny is important to God because the bible says they don’t fall to the ground without God knowing about it.

We measure our worth these days based on what we own. Our worldly possession and level of education. God is letting us know through these verses that we are more than what we own.

In life we are at a crossroad, as a Christian we must be alive to what is going on. The Spirit of God is there. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.1 John 4: 4

The events that is going on now has caused the Christian to begin to fear. The average Christian has lost hope, they have given up on success, on becoming who God has called us to be.

The bible says in Psalm 37 fret not yourself because of evil doers. They are everywhere now, so much so that you begin to wonder if the stories of evil you hear and read about is real or not.
The things I have heard in the last couple of months has made me to believe that what is happening now is what must have been happening in Sodom and Gomorrah.

the bible is warning us and saying that we should refrain from envying the workers of iniquity for they will be cut down and wither away. The most dangerous part of this is that you will not know that you are being lured into living the wrong way. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8

Phil 4: 6 says we are to be anxious for nothing, in all things through thanksgiving make your request known unto God. This is what we must always put ourselves before God. In doing what we do we must always put ourselves in God’s hands.

There is story told by a Pastor of a time and period when people travelled in caravans through the desert. There was a caravan in which a Christian travelled. Every night as the caravan journeyed the Christian prayed and the caravan was not attacked. One night the Christian was so tired that he did slept off and ended up not praying. The night Marauders attacked and stopped them and it was at this time the Christian woke up. The attackers told them they were not there to steal but to find answers to a question. They asked what they do that each night there is a strong wall around their caravan that nobody can attack them. Also why was it that this night the wall was absent. They said to everyone in the caravan that they won’t kill anybody, neither are they there to steal anything. Their purpose is to discover how the walls are built and are in place every night.

We must delight ourselves in the Lord. How do we delight ourselves in the Lord?

  1. Spend time in the word of God; meditate on the word of God, apply the word to your life
  2. Spend time in the presence of God
  3. Learn to trust God completely and wholly; we must not be afraid; we must not fret nor be anxious.

To have our hearts desires we must allow God to make it happen in His own time, we get into trouble when we want things done in our own time. What happens in God’s own time and according to His purpose will never go wrong.

Do you want to activate the value that you have in Christ Jesus? Then you must allow God to work through you. Accept Christ into your life this very instant. Let Him to lead you in the paths of His righteousness.

Saturday, 28 September 2019

Lord Remember Me

And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan's sake? 2 Samuel 9:1 KJV

2 Samuel 9: 1-10

The Lord remembers you and He will remember you for something special. I want to tell somebody here that God will remember you today. From time to time there is a season when it seems as if God has forgotten us. There are times in a man’s life it looks as if God is no longer interested in them.

In life if we still have breath in us, it means there is hope. This shows human activities, it shows us moving on. Psalm 23 says. "though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil". 
In Mark 15:24 Jesus cried with a loud voice my God my God why has though forsaken me. Even Jesus Christ experienced 2 times when it felt like God has forsaken Him. The first one was at the garden of Gethsemane and the second was on the cross. He cried in a period of despair just like David did.

Every single human being goes through a period of despair, of darkness, a time when prayers are not answered. What is most instructive in the life of most people is what we pass through in the most trying time.

God will never leave you.
I am reminded of the song “when peace is like a river”?

It Is Well with My Soul
Audrey Assad
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul
It is well
With my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed…
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
Source: LyricFind

The song was written by a man who went through a series of calamity in life. When he got to the same spot where the ship drowned, and his 4 daughters drowned and died he sang the song. Claiming that it is well with his soul even amid the calamity and pain that had befallen him.

Know of a fact that it is well with your soul. No matter what you may be going through, issues in your marriage, problems with your children, financial challenges, health challenges, mental challenges; I tell you this day and as you read this that it is well with your soul.
Say this to your soul daily and accept it, that it is well with your soul.

In every season of your life, remind yourself that despite whatever it is in your life you are going through it is well with your soul. Whatever you call a thing is what it is. If you call it a sickness that is what it is, if you call it a pain then that is what it is; if you say it well then it is well.

Did God do badly? No, God never does badly because He knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning. So, you must decide when challenges happen in your life there is always something good around the corner if we accept it as a passing phase.

There will be times of testing, times of pain, time when we think that this is the end. Every time we pass through trying times, we come out better for it.

There is only one thing separating you from challenges and success; that is time. The time to overcome and become better is all we need. We should focus on that time and make the best of the time and success is sure.

What is it that you are going through that is not common to man? Whatever it is there is someone somewhere that has gone through it and someone is going through it at that very moment. So, you need to take it easy.

God will make it up for you because there is something that happens to every great man and victorious person who calls him/herself a champion. This thing is called the moment of depression, a time when they felt like giving up. There are times when this great men and women don’t feel like talking to anyone, times when they don’t feel like even getting up from bed. However, they don’t give up, they get up and keep fighting.

Your break is coming tonight because today as you read this message God is going to remember you!

Monday, 16 September 2019

And then…………..David encouraged himself in the Lord

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. 1 Samuel 30: 1 KJV

 Text: 1 Samuel 30: 1-8

The Lord says He is our help in ages past. We see in verse 8 that before David made a move he asked God first. Rather than live in peace with one another we are fighting ourselves. We must come together and work in unity to fight against the common enemy.

God is saying to us, ‘it is time for us to arise’. As a people, as a nation it is important to live for the common goal.

Have you you asked God for a way forward? Are you discouraged? Have your people turned against you? Have you lost everything and the ones closest to you risen up against you? It is time for you to look inwards and encourage yourself. Let the courage to move on and overcome from Him who has all the answers.

David encouraged himself in the Lord. Instead of him to fight with the ones closet to him that wanted to stone him because they have lost their wealth and family while following him; he chose to turn to God. He didn’t take a step without first looking to God and asking for His will.

David said God my peace, my strength, the redeemer of my soul; see the number of people who have risen up against me. Even my own brothers have risen up against me.

God was there to fight the battle and give him victory; for there is nothing that is impossible for the Almighty to do.

God is ready and waiting to arise for you today, this minute. All He is waiting for is for you to come to Him. David asked specific questions of God. David did not need to go to the mountain, nor did he need to seek out a prophet. All he did was to put God first; he worshiped God and sought the face of the Lord.

God said to David ‘you will overcome and recover all’. David went and it was exactly as God had said to him. David pursued and caught up with the enemy; he did not only catch up but recovered all that was taken from them and much more.

What is that reason why you are discouraged? Have you lost hope? Present your letters or petitions before the God of all that you can think of or behold. A king did this and got a most favourable response from the Lord.

Hezekiah got a letter from an enemy king regarding a war. Hezekiah took the letter and spread it before the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the one who’s mercy endures forever and ever. 2 King 19:14  And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers, and read it: and Hezekiah went up into the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD. 

For God to continually be involved in your case

  • You must be in agreement with God. Can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3: 3. 
  • You must have faith and trust in the Lord and in His word. 
  • You must study the word. Study to show yourself approved as a workman who need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Timothy 2: 15
  • Learn to praise God in spite of every situation or condition that we find ourselves in. 
  • Pray without ceasing; seek the face of God by yourself for yourself. 

Sunday, 15 September 2019

And then…….. Fear God!

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts. Malachi 4: 2-3 KJV

Fear not! Many people live in fear. People are just generally afraid. Why? Some it as a result of what has happened in their past, some are afraid because of what is happening in their present life, some are afraid because they don’t know what the future hold for them. The bible tells us not to be afraid, He asks us to not dwell in fear or on those things that make us afraid.

Psalm 30: 5 says that though weeping may endure through the night but joy comes in the morning. No matter what we go through in life there is always that period when the sun shall rise and shine in your life. 

We have a father that cannot fail, why are you afraid? We have a father that lifts up and nobody can pull down, a father who can open a door and no one can close, a father who is all knowing and all seeing; why are you afraid? God makes a way where there is no way.

God alone can turn things around and make ways for us, therefore we need not live in fear. If we focus on God we will realize that God has and will continue to do great things for us and in our life. We don’t have any reason to live in fear; rather than give the enemy power over our life through our fears, let us fear God because it is He alone who can kill and no one can save.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. When we are afraid we cannot move forward because the fear we have will continue to hold us back and hold us down. The fear of God opens us up to doing things right and living right. When we fear God and have the reverence for Him that should go to Him then our life will be a testament.

Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.  Psalm 128:1 & 2. KJV. When we fear God (and not the circumstances of our life) we will be blessed. God gives us the strength to see Him in everything we do and happens in our life.

It doesn’t matter what you are going through in life, it doesn’t matter what the past is. What matters most is that we give our reverence, respect and obedience to God who is Lord and father above all. Everything that we see and do is by the grace of God. It is by His grace that we sleep and wake up from our sleep, it is by His grace that we are able to speak see and do all those things that we do each day. Why then must we focus on the things going wrong around us?

What we must do is focus on God and on everything that He says to us through His word; it is only through this that we will have wisdom. It is this wisdom that He gives to those that fear Him which gives us dominion over every situation in life; whether past, present or the future.

Jesus is saying to you today; be not afraid for I am with you. Jesus Christ is with us every step of the way and in everything we do, at all times. We must recognize that He alone is the almighty God, Bigger than our pain and the situation we are in.

It is human to be afraid but when we allow that fear to rule our life and how we react to the things in our life, then we need to turn to God and give those fears to Him. He alone can overcome and bring relief from whatever is causing the fear in our hearts.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

And then it was for me

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 
Matthew 4:1 KJV

Text: Matthew 4: 1- 11

The first thing I pick from this scripture is that it was not the devil that led Jesus to the wilderness. It was the spirit of God that led Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and truly the devil tempted Him.

I want to anchor on a verse in 2 Corinthians :vs5 tells us that they were overthrown in the wilderness. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth. God delivered the children of Israelite from the land of Egypt. Paul tells the people in Corinth that many died in the wilderness. When Jesus came He went back to the wilderness to be tempted and He overcame. This is for us so that we too will walk through the wilderness and overcome. It will be a total waste if what we here in this words, we are unable to understand and liken it to our lives.

I have gotten to understand and to learn that God doesn’t work with numbers. God works with the people who are willing, ready and available. We will not be overthrown in our wilderness of life.
The bible tells us that we should not be overcome the same way that the children of Israel where overcome in the wilderness. Jesus has already conquered and He shows us how to do this. There are 3 temptations that Jesus was tempted with in the wilderness. These temptations covers all areas of challenge that man may go through.

First of all where exactly is the wilderness? We talk about the wilderness experience. This is true but then where is the wilderness? Jesus has allowed you and I to come to this earth, this earth is the wilderness experience. The promise land God has promised is when we seat with Him in eternity. What we pass through in life is the wilderness experience. In the wilderness experience of the children of Israel they had the trying times and the good times but all their celebration was done then in the wilderness. The wilderness is the journey between Egypt and the promise land.

The same temptations that the children of Israel complained about, went after other gods, isolated themselves but they never got to the promised land.

The bible says that some women were running after Him and they were weeping and mourning on the triumphant journey. Jesus turned and spoke to them that they should not weep for Him because His time had come.

After He had fasted for forty days and night Jesus was hungry. We expect that at the end of the fast Jesus would be spiritually sharp. But the bible tells us that Jesus was hungry. The first temptation which is an area that the devil has used to hold many Christians. The bible says that the devil tempted Him, at a point where He was weak - hunger, the devil said ‘command the stones to be made bread if you are the son of God’. Many of us do this often by questioning and doubting the authority of God.
Jesus answer was this ‘man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’.

The temptation of the lust of the flesh is the greatest and most prevalent area of temptation this days. Many of us as Christians we do not fast, and when we do not fast we are satisfying the lust of the flesh. We must always live by the words that come from God. We need to deny the flesh, when we deny the flesh we strengthen the spirit. The word of God is the bread of life. For emphasis Jesus didn’t say the bread of life, He said every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

There is spiritual and physical food. Jesus craved spiritual food. To pass through the temptation of the devil Jesus released the spiritual food He had built Himself on and so He was able to stand in the day of adversity (temptation).
People are speaking about the rates an increase of suicide, many are Christians who have lost hope in themselves. This is okay but we can’t afford to lose hope in God our maker.

Jesus is reminding us tonight that He has been and will continue to fight for us. We must deal with all negative voices in the wilderness so that we may overcome in the wilderness of life.

Even with the first temptation (hunger), we hear so many stories of all our brothers and sisters are doing just so they are able to feed. When the devil catches you hungry and you do not have your spirit man filled with the bread of life he will degrade you and reduce you to nothing. This is what he tried to do with Jesus. A lot of people are being overthrown daily by the lust of the flesh.

The second temptation is about is about the lust of the eyes. Even the church has defined success the way the world defines success. What is success to you? How many lives have you affected? How many people have drawn to the saving grace of the Lord. How many people have you paid school fees for? But we see the luxuries of life as success. We embrace crime and congratulate criminals.
Again Jesus replied the devil with the bread of life saying ‘it is written’. Each man has their own race. We all walk differently and each to his own gist.

The third temptation verses 8-9. the devil took Jesus to a high place and showed him some great things. He told Jesus that ‘all this I will give you if you will fall down and worship me’. how could the devil have asked God to fall down and worship him? Putting himself above God? Many of is are worshiping all sorts of idols because we want to satisfy our pride. We are try to give ourselves accolades that should go to God.

Some of us cannot seat beside certain kind of people. Who do we think we really are? Some of us are ruled by pride. We find it hard to relate with people around us. A lot of us are ashamed of Jesus and this shows in the things we do and how we act.

If we want to overcome in the wilderness of life we must forsake every sin, the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life. Turn around today and accept the bread of life that God gives us freely through Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Why is life like that?

And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Gen 2:8  KJV

Text: Genesis 2: 8-17

The beginning of life was like this, God took man out of the earth and He breathe into him the breathe of life then he formed a garden. After that He put man in the garden. In the midst of the garden there were 2 trees; the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The verse is a pictorial representation of what the earth looked like and what God had planned for man to look like. God planted a garden ( a near perfect one)and then created man and put him in the garden. Even before man was born/made all he needed to thrive was already in place. All man needed was to add value to that which God had done.

God put man in the garden to dress it, look after it and add value to it. God put man in the garden and commanded man, gave him an instruction; he can eat freely from all the things in the garden except the trees of life (a tree that gives everlasting life) and the tree of knowledge.

God created a situation where man had to go through a process/ test to have everlasting life. He created a life of action and reaction. We live in a consequential life where everything we do has a consequence. The fact that the consequence does not happen immediately or as we have acted does not mean that it does not have a consequence.

As I was coming to church today I got a distress call and I want you to give me some answers. It was a call from a lady who had gone from a life of wealth to a life of distress. Her children were not interested in her and don’t pay her any attention. Why should someone work very hard, get to old age and still isn’t able to put it together?

The bible says in Exodus 20 verse 12, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee."  Put this in your right hand; if you still have parents that are alive do not quarrel with them. Love them and honour them in spite of it all.

It is important that we as parents prepare for old age. Some people took some children on excursion to an old people’s home and a motherless baby’s home. The person who took them to the old people’s home to show them that one day it will get to their turn. We will all get old some day. It is difficult to grow old; we have to plan for our old age now so that we will not beg bread in old age. We must teach people to be self sufficient; know what to spend money on. I have seen people who were very rich in their youth and adulthood but now in their old age they live in penury.

What should you do to make sure that yo never beg bread? Are you too busy with the unimportant things in the now and fail to focus on the tomorrow? What is that thing you see as a priority?

  1. A lot of us pray for things that changes in our character can solve and wisdom can respond to. If we do not change some things in our character we will continue to pray without an answer. If we have the right attitude to life success is sure. A lot of people succeed do so not because they have prayed but because they have the right character
  2. There are principles to life. Whether you know it or not is not important. What is important is that the principles exist. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. So if you want to succeed then you must know and follow this principles. The principles are seen in the bible and we must search it out. The bible tells us stories of the people who have lived in both the old and new testament. The fact that you don’t see the result of something immediately doesn’t mean that the result will not come, there is nothing we do that we will not get the reward. It may seem like the wicked is getting away with his wickedness, do not be moved for all wickedness has its reward. 
  3. You need to see the end of your life from the beginning. Once you are born time starts clicking. How are you going to make sure that you are comfortable and okay when you are no longer strong enough to work?
  4. You need to work hard and smart while you are still able to work. The time to work hard is between the age of 25 and 55 years. After this we should be relaxing and enjoying the benefits of our hard work. 
  5. Pray without ceasing. Everything pry about it. 
  6. The final and most important thing is to give. Give to the people in need of help. Give to God. Give your time, your resources, your life. 

Sunday, 1 September 2019

Believing in God

And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.  And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the LORD; for his mercy endureth for ever. 2 Chronicle 20: 20 & 21

You are not in a defensive mode in the battle you are in an offensive mode. In your stand you are about to move  forward and be established. The test of your leadership and faith is not when you are doing well, it is when you are fighting. Jesus was tested not at the point of His greatest strength. The devil doesn’t come when you are in a good place, he comes when you are in the wilderness of life. He comes to test the truth in your life.

King Jehoshaphat was under attack. Sometimes leaders make the greatest decision in times of war, of hardship. God can speak to us in the time of greatest defeat. King Jehoshaphat removed all the false idols and that is when the enemy attacked. When you stand on the truth of God the enemy will attack you. This attack is not that you are doing wrong but he realizes the territory you are about to take.
The enemy will attack when you are showing the truth to your children, the enemy will attack so that the truth may not be manifested.

King Jehoshaphat said to the children of Israel, “believe in God and you will stand”. Today the one thing you must do is to believe in God and you will stand, believe in His prophet and you will prosper. If you believe in what God says He is going to do spoken by His prophet and you will move forward.

It is time for us to not believe in what God has said but also in what He is saying and about to do. Jesus said the word of the Lord is like a farmer who sows seeds. (Parable of the sower).

The devil is afraid of the promises of God in your life and the attack he wages at you is a confirmation of the promises of God. When you are at a low level in your faith in God there is a promise for a newer level. If you want to move to a higher level then you must displace those things that is in the way of the higher place.

If you are going to go from glory to glory, you have to go through something. On your way it may feel like hell, but what you are going through is prophesying what you are going to.

How do you go from glory to glory? When you listen to the people God has called and chosen.
When the enemies faced Israel in battle and it seemed there was no hope, King Jehoshaphat told the people to “praise the Lord”. What was he saying? That yes that in spite of the hard times God is good. Even though life may seem hard, God is good. When the enemy comes from you in every area, God is good. We don’t know what the future looks like, what the next five years will bring; this I know God’s mercy endures forever!

Even though we walk through the shadows of death, praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever. What happened when they began to sing praise? He said stand and see the salvation of the Lord for the battle is not yours, the battle belongs to the Lord. God didn’t just defeat their enemies, He gave them so much more. 2 Chronicles 20: 24-25.

One thing we need to know is that the enemy doesn’t know how to create, they destroy, kills, steal and take with them what belongs to others. They take away what isn’t theirs and do this moving from one victim to another. Their goal is to deem and put out lights, destroy destinies, and derail purpose. But do not be afraid, do not let the fear you feel rule your life. Instead, all you need to do is to focus on God and praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever.

Remember that the battle is the Lord’s. As you allow God to fight your battle, you will get the spoil of generations. All God requires of us is that we believe in Him and His promises.

Believe for it is not too late; you are right on time!